Resuming the blog

I guess I kind of got away from blogging for a while, but now that I've figured out (again) how to edit and navigate this website ( which really isn't such a huge complicated feat unless my ADHD makes it out to be a bigger hassle than it actually is),  I will be back with more posts on a more regular basis.  

It's been 3 years since the start of the pandemic and it's created considerable changes in how  our society functions.  One way it has benefitted healthcare is by insurance companies covering telehealth, thus making therapy accessible to more people.  Now, if you don't have transportation, or you want to see a therapist on the other end of Ohio, you can.  For some, telehealth means not having to hire a babysitter or drag your child with you to the office.  

Telehealth is a great option, though there are drawbacks.  Personally, I don't feel any less connected to my clients if they're on a screen versus in my office.    My experience has been that therapy is every bit as effective either way.  The drawbacks are mostly around connectivity.  Occasionally there is sound interference, or the screen freezes.  It might be hard at home to find a place to talk privately.  

Some ways to make sure your sessions stay confidential:

Use a secure connection.  Avoid using public wifi such as in hotels or restaurants where others can access your screen without you knowing.  

If you can't find a private space at home, use a car.   You can park in the garage or driveway, or find a shady spot in a park somewhere.  

Remember connectivity can vary with devices.   Your iphone may work better than your laptop, or vice versa.  There may be better connection in one room or another.  Be patient when starting telehealth and give yourself a chance to iron out any glitches.  

Telehealth is hear to stay and how wonderful to have this as an option.  

Stay well1

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