Curiosity for cool cats

Be Curious 

or at Least Pretend to Be Interested

 “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.” -Albert Einstein

What is curiosity?

  • Noticing discrepancies: Pay attention to that gut feeling that says something's different.  Take a closer look.
  • Seeking new information: Take opportunities to learn more about subjects of interest.
  • Reward based learning: Learning about topics of interest lights up the pleasure centers of the brain.

5 dimensions of curiosity:

  • intensity- Level of excitement when engaged.
  • frequency- How often does one engage?
  • durability- How long is interest sustained?
  • depth-Complexity and volume of knowledge on a topic.
  • breadth- The range of intersts.

State Curiosity versus Trait Curiosity

 State curiosity  is temporary and focus on one element, whereas trait curiosity goes deeper.  Trait curiosity is about a tendency to be curious, to approach life with a sense of curiosity.  Trait curiosity can be developed by encouragement of state curiosity.

How Curiosity fosters wellness and joy

Engaged information seeking stimulates pleasure centers in the brain. This triggers a release of a substance called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor or BDNF.  This triggers growth of new neurons.

Curiosity leads to novel situations, new ways of seeing/understanding.  This broadens our knowledge base which improves problem solving ability. 

Curiosity facilitates intimacy in relationships.  Asking questions fosters understanding. 

From Curious Mind, these are the 7 veils of curiosity. Curiosity is a choice of thought.

Answers versus Questions
Certainty versus Novelty
Compliance versus Skepticism
Competition versus Collaboration
Ego versus Humility
Extrinsic Rewards versus Intrinsic Motivation
Fear versus Hope

Ways to stimulate curiosity:

Practice having an outward focus:

  • scan the events pages in your locality.
  • notice what interests you and research it via online or the library.
  • notice the commonplace. 

Take a nonjudgmental view.

  • let go of cynicism, self-consciousness.
  • focus on the process, not the goal.

Immerse yourself in an enriched environment:

  • visit the library, thrift store, yard sales.  Find everything you weren't looking for.
  • Seek out learning opportunities like Home Depot's weekend workshops.
  • Take a class at Toledo Art Museum or Toledo Artist's Club.  Connect with your inner artist.
  • Try a new recipe.  See my page on nutrition and check out the recipes!
  • Learn about Nature! The natural environment is full of  opportunities to sharpen your observation and innovation skills.  Visit here for ideas on how to get in touch with Nature.
  • If youcan't get enough forest and  want to become an expert in nature observation and wilderness survival skills, you'll want to check out the Tracker School with Tom Brown Jr.
  • If you can't find anything to be curious about, check out this page

Lack of curiosity can be a sign of depression. Conversely, acting AS IF you're curious can improve mood, as outward focus breaks the ruminating cycle of anxiety and depression. If you see this in yourself and want more out of life, counseling can help you recover a sense of enthusiasm and excitement for life.

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